Why You Should Be Using A Walking Stick

Why You Should Be Using A Walking Stick

Hiking can be very demanding on the body, especially on steep climbs and even more so on descent. Your joints are put under immense amounts of pressure and this can eventually lead to injuries. However, the power of using a walking stick is truly remarkable…

A walking stick will help protect your knees from the impact and stress hiking can put onto your body. This is especially important upon descent and will provide you with better balance and stability on uneven trails. The use of a walking stick can take the weight off of your joints which reduces wear and tear on your body.

Because of the stresses on your body which the walking sticks can remove, they also increase your ability to walk for longer. This means you can expand your horizons and take on new greater, tougher, and longer hikes! Also, you will have more power and be able to walk faster. This increased speed will leave you feeling like a superhero as you charge up trails leaving your hiking partners in the dust!

However, with hundreds available, sometimes all these different walking sticks can get confusing. So to make sure you get the right walking stick for you make sure to speak to someone who can assist you personally, but for now here are a few things you can look out for: Make sure your walking stick is the correct size. A general rule is that standing still with your arms by your side, your walking stick should be around 6-8 inches higher than your elbow. Of course, this is only a general rule and you should contact someone who can personally assist you to find the perfect walking stick for you.

Finally, many hikers prefer to use trekking poles as these offer additional benefits such as better blood circulation because of the positioning of your hands. Trekking poles are taller which means your hand position sits above your heart and therefore circulation is improved. This can reduce swelling in your hands. Trekking poles also contribute to the same benefits of walking sticks such as less stress on your joints and more stability the hiking for example. So make sure to take a look at trekking poles as this could be the way forward for you. But for now… have fun hiking!