Tips and Tricks For Any Hiker

Tips and Tricks For Any Hiker:

Are you heading off on a hike anytime soon? We would like to share with you some of our best advice for any hiker looking to tackle their next trail!

1. Make sure you pay close attention to the conditions. The weather is everything in hiking so make sure to keep an eye on the weather forecast leading up to your hike. There is nothing worse than trudging through a muddy trail with the rain beating down on you, also make sure it’s not to hot because hiking in extreme conditions can be dangerous too!

2. Understand your map. We don’t mean just know how to read it… but study your map in advance. You must know everything about your trail so you can be well prepared. Making sure you familiarise yourself with the trail is crucial to making the most out of your hike. We’ve all seen it, people starring endlessly at a map scratching their heads. We don’t want this to be you, so make sure you take the time to study your map before you head off on your next adventure. Besides, there is nothing better than hiking a trail you fully understand.

3. Be Prepared. Have you seen those hikers before who like they have enough gear to get them through a lifetime… the big backpack, tents rolled up, boots and enough water bottles to last them several weeks! This is what we call well prepared. Packing wisely is essential to enjoying your hike. We don’t want you to be worried about that dark cloud overhead because you didn’t bring a rain jacket. The weather can change like the days of a week so make sure you have sensible clothing with you ready to tackle the elements. Sufficient food and drink is a must for hikers. You need to fuel your body with the correct nutrients to power your body through a hike. A lack of energy can cause you to feel sleepy and this is dangerous when hiking… avoid all of these issues and just take enough food and drink with you. Don’t forget that last pair of socks either! When the weather turns and the rain begins to fall, be one step ahead of your fellow hikers, or if your hiking alone… be one step ahead of the weather! Trust us, hiking with wet feet is something you don’t want to experience.

4. Make sure to let somebody know! Hiking can be dangerous and you want to make sure that people know where you are going so they can help in case of an emergency. Whether it’s a sprained ankle and you need someone to pick you up or the weather has made a dramatic turn and you were not prepared… hopefully not you! Because if your reading this blog post you understand what to take with you so you can be fully prepared for your next adventure!

5. Stick to the trails! Take care of the trails and avoid disruption to plants and animals. Make sure to leave the trail exactly the same as when you arrived! Imagine if everybody did this… our trails would be around for many years to some. So play your part in keeping our trails safe!

6. Enjoy the Adventure! Hiking is not a race. Pace yourself, time after time we see people rushing off into their hike… but take it steady, take in your surroundings and enjoy every moment. Take lots of photos as well to remind yourself of your hike and don’t forget to have fun! Take each moment to surround yourself with the trail and immerse yourself in the moment.

That’s all from us for now, we hope you enjoy your next hike and make sure to follow these tips to make the most out of every step!